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I got hooked on woodworking during a wood shop class my freshman year of high school (1964) and have enjoyed it ever since.  I always thought that turning on the lathe was one of the most enjoyable parts of wood working, but I found few needs for turned items.  Several  years ago I bought a small mini-lathe and started making pens and other small items for gifts.  I joined the local chapter of AAW (American Association of Woodturners) about five years ago.  There I received the help and inspiration to take my woodturning to a whole new level.  After retiring from Hanford in 2014, I bought a larger lathe and now spend a large portion of my time in the shop making wood shavings.


Most of my woodturnings are segmented items.  Most wood turners start with a solid block of wood and turn it to the desired shape and then often decorate the piece by carving, woodburning or painting on it.  Having not yet developed my carving, woodburning or painting skills, I take small pieces (segments) of various kinds of wood, glue them together to make a design, then turn it to the desired shape.  Most of my efforts go into the design and assembly of the piece followed by a relatively short time on the lathe. 

Phone: (509) 308-4179


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